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托福机经有用吗?托福听力机经有用吗?在托福听力机经中最有用的要属托福听力加试题部分,特别是在考前的一周,大家要多关注一下以前托福听力考试的加试题,掌握托福加试的出题规律。今天为大家整理了一篇关于bird migration的term paper的托福听力经典加试题。
题目:关于bird migration的term paper
Long conversation:
Student having difficulties in writing term paper: 男student:Professor, I hope to discuss my term paper with you. I got stuck in writing the paper on bird migration. I have difficulties in finding enough materials about bird migration. (老师,今儿,我想跟你说说我的学期论文的事儿。我卡住了,找不到这方面的资料。)
女Professor:You can’t find enough material on bird migration?(语调上扬,最后一题,重听题的考点。)
男student:I want to write about early bird migration.(要写的paper是关于古代鸟类迁徙的,所以资料不够。)
女Professor:I want you to apply what you’ve learned to your paper. (希望他们运用所学知识研究来完成paper.)不要只是做summary or description.我想要看到你的special analysis.
男student:但是,我觉得我找的资料中有错误的。(I think ….wrong),这就是为什么我不想用资料。
女Professor:你不要完全放弃以前找的资料(discard).你可以换种想法,用rational的方式。这就是我们说的critical thinking,不一定非要同意资料。可以写以前的(historically) old theory,然后现在的这些新研究(current research)如何支持(support)或者驳斥这些theory.
男student:我想可以写bird migrate at night。人们大多只看到大鸟,所以认为小鸟在大鸟的翅膀下迁徙什么的,其实新发现是因为小鸟晚上飞(通过说这个topic来验证自己理解了老师的意图change the topic from ancient to recent)
女Professor:That shows your thinking.(对,这样就是我们需要的思考能力)
男student:我想写一种不迁徙而是冬眠的鸟。I want to write about the birds that do not migrate. They hibernate during winter.
女Professor:如果我是你,我就不会在一份15页的论文中写这么多。(If I were you , I would not….. The paper is 15 pages…)不过,想法挺不错。建议你以后每周(in a week)都来找我,看一下他写论文的新的方向(new direction)进行得如何。
问题一:Why男student go to see the professor?
答案: C(3)he cannot find enough material in writing his paper.
问题二:How does the professor help the student?答案: A(1)change his approach …
答案: B,D(2,4)
问题四:Why does the student提night migration?
答案: A (1) 通过说这个topic来验证自己理解了老师的意图change the topic from ancient to recent)
答案:B (2) (….. is easy….)教授认为很容易找到。
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