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2013年09月13日 12:00
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    类task 1题型:

    Describe the famous person you admire most. Explain why you admire this person. Include details and examples to support your response. (TOFEL ibt 08.06.22) 这是一个对人描述类的考题,我们拿到一个题目后,脑海中应该立刻浮现出最基本的答题框架: topic sentence + supporting ideas. Topic sentence是比较容易想的,甚至是可以虚构的,所以问题就落在supporting ideas的思路上。描述一个人,最容易的角度便是这个人内在的qualities. 如:humorous, open-minded, easy-going, warm-hearted, community-minded, high driven, visionary, knowledgeable… 有了这些点之后,我们要想办法把点变成线,也就是把一个观点扩充成一到两个句子。我们可以用描述的方法去讲这个观点同意转换,如‘he’s a very open-minded person and he’s always flexible to changes. 同时我们还可以用举例的方法来进行扩展,如 ‘He’s a high-driven guy and he worked so hard on his Toefl test, study almost 24/7.’


    第二类task 1 的题型:

    Choose an object you like and explain why it is of special value to you. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation. (TOFEL ibt 08.02.24),这道题属于物品题,物品的题目也是一个常考点,但是准备的面比较广,可能会出成:a type of pet (Longman p.52),a kind of game (Longman p.72),your important gift (Longman p.64),咱们可以从两个角度去答题:对物品本身的简单描述 + 物品的来源或是重要意义,如描述宠物可以说: ‘ coz he keeps me company, when I was sad, he was always by my side.’ 又如描述礼物可以说: ‘ The psp was a gift from my Grandpa, it was a credit to my hard work on the SAT test.’


    第三类task1 的题型:

    If you could live abroad, where would you go? Explain why you would go there. (Longman p.42)。 地方题目也是常考题型,变换方式相对较少,比如有:the city you live (Longman p.31),a city you have always wanted to go (TOFEL ibt 08.02.02),your favorite place when you were a child (TOFEL ibt 08.03.08)等等。地点题的答题思路为:景色,饮食,高雅休闲场所,教育,就业机会。如果说美国,景色可以描述national park, the beauty of nature well preserved, 饮食可以说dessert, I’ve got a sweet tooth, 如说高雅休闲场所,可以说Broadway, or NBA games,教育可以谈美国的大学,就业机会可以谈美国的500 fortunes. 再比如如果讲苏州,景色可以说gardens,well preserved ancient building, 就业机会可以讲讲苏州工业园,SIP,provides a lot of job and internship opportunities for graduates…



    例:What is the most memorable event you experienced in your life? Explain why it is memorable. (Longman p.50),类似的事件题的关键形容词可以换为:embarrassing (Longman p.70), challenging (TOFEL ibt 07.03.03),disappointing (TOFEL ibt 08.03.30),hard (TOFEL ibt 08.06.17)等等。较难的题可以出成:Describe a time when you needed help from others, how he or she helped you and what was the result? Please include details and examples to support your answer. (TOFEL ibt 07.04.29),这类题目跟个人亲身经历有关,考场上容易一时没有思路,也很难去杜撰,所以应在考前多去回忆童年往事,同时尝试着用英文表达出来,假如实在无法勾起美好的回忆,那就去杜撰吧, 注意是考前练习时杜撰,千万别到了考场上再去杜撰。

    以上四类是托福口语task 1考察频率的四大类,当然还有其他类别的一些考题,如工作职业类(这类主要是关于人生的目标,职业的选择,工作的兴趣等等),学校教育类,new skill you would like to learn (TOFEL ibt 08.01.19),文化娱乐类,这类题目涉及到文化、艺术、娱乐等生活中常见的题材。比如:a book that you want to read again (Longman p.58),an important composition, example: essay, poem, letter (TOFEL ibt 08.05.17),a TV program that you really like to watch (Longman p.54),a type of music you like most (Longman p.56)等等,需要考生在考前花大量的时间去整理思路,只有做到有备无患,在能在考场上胸有成竹,口若悬河。


    新航道秋季班火热招生中: 现在报名立刻尊享9折优惠












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