
成都新航道 > 新闻资讯 > 新航道3月北美新SAT写作真题范文与透析


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 2016年3月5日的新SAT首考写作真题来源于《华盛顿邮报》上的一篇议论文,全文746字,原文作者大力提倡National Service。


  Write an essay in which you explain how E.J. Donnie Jr. builds an argument to persuade his audience that rights guaranteed by the Declaration of Independence can only materialize once we fulfill our unavoidable responsibilities. In your essay, analyze how E.J. Donnie uses one or more of the features listed in the box above (or features of your own choice) to strengthen the logic and persuasiveness of his argument. Be sure that your analysis focuses on the most relevant features of the passage.

  Your essay should not explain whether you agree with E.J. Donnie’s claims, but rather explain how Donnie Jr. builds an argument to persuade his audience.

  文章来源:Adapted from E.J. Dionne Jr., “A Call for National Service”© 2013 by Washington Post. Originally published July 03, 2013.



  为了说服读者接受自己的观点,作者首先引用了《独立宣言》中美国人最熟知和最容易忽视的两句话,以此来说明权利和义务是统一性的,美国人不应该只关心自己的权利,而忽视自己应尽的义务。作者提出改变目前现状的方法之一,就是要呼吁美国人履行彼此之间应尽的义务。作者紧接着在原文中多处引用权威专家的观点,以增强自己观点的可信度。纵览全文,原文可供考生分析的features还是比较多的,比如quotation,contrast,diction,appeal to emotion, solution proposal, appeal to authority, exemplification, repetition, explanation等等。


  从阅读方面来说,范文对原文的理解详尽透彻,充分地展示了“考生”出色的阅读能力。首先,范文在引言段开门见山地指出了原文的中心思想(advocates making national service a priority in the United States as a way to decrease bitter partisanship and increase upward mobility for young people)。其次,范文通篇综合运用了引用(quote)、转述(paraphrase)、概述(summarize)的方法,列出原文的textual evidence,来说明这些细节证据和中心思想的关系(如:This startling contrast is intended to remind the audience that they should not take their rights for granted and to remind them of the extent to which they are responsible to others around them.)。整体而言,范文对原文中心思想和重要细节的把握都非常到位。

  从分析方面来说,范文对原文的分析入木三分,充分地展示了“考生”高超的分析技巧。范文主要从quotes from a foundational American document,the universal appeal of his proposal,citation from experts三个最重要,最相关的features具体分析了原文作者是如何说服读者的。在具体的分析过程中,“考生”始终聚焦三个问题what/why/what effect,即原文作者在此处使用了什么样的feature?为什么要使用它?最终有没有说服读者?例如,范文在分析quotation from experts时,“考生”首先通过概述指出了原文作者在第九段中引用了专家观点(McChrystal's voice to reiterate the responsibilities Americans owe one another by invoking the sacrifices made by the military),并指出引用的目的是为了bolsters the credibility of his position,“考生”最后指出这一feature所达到的效果是McChrystal's powerful perspective complements and deepens Dionne's arguments. 纵观全文,“考生”通过夹叙夹议,述评结合的方法,出色地向考官展示了自己的分析能力。


  从结构上来说,范文采用了五段式:首先在引言段中明确提出了主体段落中将要分析的三个features:quotes from a foundational American document,the universal appeal of his proposal,citation from experts;在三个主体段落中,范文遵从“顺序一致”原则,对引言段中的三个features一一作了详尽的分析。结尾段中“考生”再一次重申自己的论点,并做了进一步的强调和深化。整篇文章逻辑清晰,结构严谨。

  从衔接上来说,无论是段内衔接还是段际衔接,都非常的自然连贯。在段际衔接上,范文主要采用了平行结构:Dionne opens his editorial with…For Dionne, making a year of national service…Dionne bolsters the credibility of his position by…。段内衔接上,范文通过使用过渡词,重复,指示代词(then quickly follows with/He extends his reasoning one step further/This line of argumentation)等方法使得段内衔接自然流畅,富有逻辑。

  此外,全文用词,语调客观(To exemplify the nonpartisan nature of national service, he describes the unexpected alliance that has been forged by an ideologically diverse trio composed of a retired general, an official from the Bush administration, and the founder of City Year. Together, these men advocate for the value of national service.)另外,范文基本上没有语法错误。就写作方面而言,范文完全符合新SAT写作所考察的八个点:结构完整、衔接自然、句型多变、用词、文体规范、语调客观、书面英语、语法正确,充分地显示了“考生”的书面英语运用能力。





  2)笔记法练习。在具体的新SAT Essay写作过程中,考生需要经常的refer back,所以清晰的笔记是完全有必要的。做笔记的要点是,用符号划出原文的中心论点、分论点、重要的features。第二,笔记符号必须简单明了。下面给大家一个笔记参考:



  从分析方面来说,一定要充分理解新SAT写作任务的本质。在对原文写作技巧进行分析的过程中,把握3W原则:what/why/what effect,what即原文作者在此处用了什么feature,why即作者使用这一feature的目的是什么,what effect即最终有没有达到说服读者的效果。平时可以从这一原则入手,对原文最相关的features进行单个feature的分析,如facts,example,repetition等。


  就写作而言,从结构完整、衔接自然、句型多变、用词、文体规范、语调客观、书面英语、语法正确八个标准将第二步的单句练习重新构架成一篇完整的文章。(北京新航道学校 陈克海)




