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2014年02月25日 01:33
供稿单位:互联网   责编:新航道小编  浏览 0


  大作文的题目汇总整理(二)1. When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless to try and keep them alive. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

  大作文的题目汇总整理(二)2. Many people believe that the increasing use of modern technology at work and in leisure is reducing people's creativity. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  大作文的题目汇总整理(二)3. Food can be produced cheaper if we use improved fertilizers and better machinery. However some of methods may be dangerous for human health, and have negative effects for local communities. What is your opinion?

  大作文的题目汇总整理(二)4. Some people believe that air travel should be restricted because it causes serious pollution and uses up the world's fuel resources. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  大作文的题目汇总整理(二)5. Unlimited car use has brought us a lot of problems. What are these problems? And should we discourage people to use cars?

  大作文的题目汇总整理(二)6. Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can see historical objects and works by using computer. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  大作文的题目汇总整理(二)7. Some people say that giving aid to poor countries has more negative effects than positive effects. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  大作文的题目汇总整理(二)8. In many countries,the proportion of older people is steadily increasing. Does this trend make positive or negative effects to society?

  大作文的题目汇总整理(二)9. Some people think it is acceptable to use the animals in any way for benefits of human beings, while others think it is not justifiable. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

  大作文的题目汇总整理(二)10. Throughout the history, male leaders often made the society more violent and conflicting. If women governed the world, it would be a more peaceful world. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



  There be 失误句型分析整理


















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  • 雅思技巧提升(钻石班)报名
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  • 雅思整体解决方案(钻石班)报名
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  • 雅思口语在线课程报名
  • 雅思1对1报名
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  • 雅思考前精讲精练(钻石班)报名
  • 雅思基础解决方案(钻石班)报名


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