2021年从1月到5月,GRE大陆地区一共进行了15场左右考试(不算在家考)。从各路GRE回忆渠道来看。无论verbal reasoning还是quantitative reasoning都覆盖了很多机经原题,这说明考生刷机经题目是很有必要的。
1.During archery practice, Kyle made 50 attempts to hit a target. After each attempt, his success rate was calculated as the number of successful attempts to hit the target as a percent of the number of attempts up to that time. After the 20th attempt, his success rate was45 percent. After the4 40th attempt,his success rate was 55 percent. Which of the following statements must be true? Indicate all such statements.
A. Kyle's success rate was less than 45 percent at least once during the practice.
B. Kyle's success rate was between 48 percent and 52 percent at least once during the practice.
C. Kyle's success rate was greater than 55 percent at least once during the practice.
2. The 1, 200 seniors at a certain college, one-quarter live on campus and the rest live off campus. Three-quarters of the seniors at college own car. Which of the following statements must be true?
A. No seniors live on campus and own a car.
B. At least 300 seniors live on campus and own a car.
C. At most 600 seniors live off campus and own a car.
D. At least 600 seniors live off campus and own a car.
E. At least 300 seniors live off campus and do not own a car.
Step 1: the sum of the lengths of the diagonals of X is equal to the sum of the lengths of the diagonals of Y: a+b=c+d
Step 2: in X, the length of the longer diagonal is 20 more than the length of the shorter diagonal: b=a+20
Step 3: in Y, the length of the longer diagonal is 8 more than the length of the shorter diagonal: d=c+8
Step 4: what is the area of Y minus the area of X: cd/2-ab/2
【责任编辑】:成都新航道小编 版权所有:转载请注明出处