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托福考试 | 7月底改革后的托福写作考情分析

来源:新航道 浏览:0 发布日期:2023-09-07 14:36





In your opinion,which is the better strategy for making purchasing decisions, relying on advice from friends and family. or depending on information from online sources? Why?二选一,购物决策类


In your opinion, do social media influencers generally have a positive or negative effect on their followers? Why do you think so? 利弊类,社交媒体类


Do you think there should be an environmental tax on air travel? Why or why not? 利弊类,政府决策类


Do you believe that governments should provide financial support to artists-for example painters sculptors, musicians or filmmakers? Why or why not? 利弊类,政府决策类


Do you think that more cities should make their central zones car-free? Why or why not? 利弊类,政府决策类


I would like you to discuss whether you agree or disagree with the idea of setting a minimum age for when children can have a mobile phone. Explain your opinion. 利弊类,教育类


One advertising strategy that companies often use is to ask celebrities, famous entertainers or sports figures to promote their products. However, some experts believe that it is more effective to have ordinary people talk about the product. Which of these two advertising strategies do you think is better? 二选一 购物决策类


I would like you to discuss your own experiences with online reviews. Do you find them useful when deciding whether or not to buy a product or service? 利弊类,购物决策类


Should schools limit the teaching of fictional texts in favor of teaching more practical nonfiction texts? 利弊类,教育类


Some people believe they get the most benefit when that time off is structured: that is it involves planning in advance about what will be accomplished on that day. Others believe it is better to enjoy the day with no plan for how to spend it. In this discussion post please indicate which of those approaches to spending time off from work or school you prefer and why? 二选一 生活类


Do you believe that secondary school students should be allowed to choose their own field of study at university without being guided by parents and teachers? Why? 利弊类 教育类


In your view, in what one or two areas should local or regional governments reduce spending when budget cuts are necessary? Why? 开放式题目 政府决策类


What is your opinion about instituting a shorter four-day workweek, and why? 利弊类 职业类

8.19线下 上午场

Considering the shift towards lifelong education, which field of study do you believe adults should prioritize for their continuous learning journey? 开放式 教育类


After finishing your undergraduate studies, do you prefer pursuing an advance degree full- time or continuing work while studying part-time? 二选一,职业类

根据考试的提问方式来看,利弊类占比高,在统计的15道题里,一共有9题。其提问方式包含经典的:should people/the government/schools do something?或者它的变种问法:Do you find xx useful?/Do xx generally have a positive or negative effect on…?/What is your opinion about doing xx?/whether you agree or disagree with the idea of doing xx?


紧随其后的是二选一类型,15道题里面共计考察4题,其提问方式,一般会包含“which is the better strategy”“which of these two…do you think is better”“which approach do you prefer”,很容易识别。这类题目在官网释放出来的28题样题中一共考察8次,在我们真题中也是占比第二高的题型。 






Doctor Achebe

This week we covered different parenting styles. One idea we discussed was how much independence and freedom we should give our children especially young children. One related issue is whether there should be an age limit on when children can have mobile phones. In this discussion post, I would like you to discuss whether you agree or disagree with the idea of setting a minimum age for when children can have a mobile phone. Explain your opinion.

I totally agree with the idea of not giving children phones before they reach a certain age, let's say ten years or so. I believe children younger than ten are not yet ready to deal with the world that comes with mobile phones as it can put them in harm's way.

Honestly, I am against the idea of restricting mobile phone access for young children. I believe mobile phones can help children communicate with their parents if they need their help for an urgent matter when they are away from their parents at school or elsewhere. Maybe companies can invent a special kind of mobile phone that is somehow kid friendly.

Sample answer

I agree with Andrew’s opinion that we should set a minimum wage for when children can have a mobile phone. Although having mobile phones at hand can prevent children from certain dangers to some degree, the advantages of setting such a restriction simply outweigh the disadvantages. For one thing, a setting a minimum age for phone permission can help children avoid poor eyesight. Typically, when children are young, they are prone to be attracted by social media or video games on their phones. To make things worse, when they stare at the screens for a long time, it will end up increasing their risks of becoming near-sighted. If parents or schools set a specific minimum age, for example, 12 years old, on the other hand, children are more mature and less likely to scroll their phones up and down for a whole day. In this way, such a permission will effectively save children from poor eyesight. For another, setting a minimum age for when children can have a mobile phone can help children concentrate on their schoolwork. This is because children aged under 12 may fail to resist the temper of constantly responding to the messages on their phones or just watching YouTube videos. If they are not allowed to use their phones, on the contrary, they may merely focus on their textbooks and prepare for their upcoming tests. For these two reasons, it is a sound choice for setting a minimum age for when children can have their phones.

在上述的sample answer中,首先表明观点和立场,应该设置一个低年龄设置。紧接着,可以去让步承认使用手机能一定程度上帮助孩子规避风险,但是设置一个低年龄设置好处更多。当然这个让步不是必须的,看考生个人习惯。接着就是我们自己的理由部分,一般推荐回答两个点。在这里,笔者是用“For one thing,”和“For another,”带出了两个设置限制的好处,我们利弊类的题目,答题策略就是在理由部分列举2个“这样做带来的好处/坏处”。

笔者分别从设置使用手机的年龄限制会带来对视力的好处和对学习的好处出发。在论据部分,用到了分析原因的策略,并且通过对比论证增强了说服力。另外,在语法语言部分,副词或者状语位于句首(Typically,/To make thing worse,)让句子看起来逻辑鲜明。另外,插入语的使用(on the other hand,/on the contrary,)让句子看起来富于变化,都是能让考官眼睛为之一亮的操作。后在陈述完两个理由后,可以再次进行总结。当然时间不够可以不用去总结,重点还是要放在段落的展开部分。



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