
成都新航道 > SAT > 2017上半年新SAT写作考情回顾及下半年备考指导(中)


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以 pathos 为例:在真题中直接的煽情出现的几率并不高,大部分情况下,作者都是通过某种手法来达到煽情的目的。比如说,通过列举具体的事例来引起读者的同情,或者通过 emotional language, historic documents 等方式,激发读者的爱国情怀。 

在 1 月北美的 Space technology: A critical investment for our nation's future 的第 1 段,作者提出:

American technological leadership is paramount today, vital to our national security, our economic prosperity and our global standing.


For many of the tens of thousands of engineering and science students in our nation ' s universities today , the space program provides the opportunity to invent technologies today that will form the foundation for humanity ' s next great leap across the solar system.

A NASA that is reaching for grand challenges  and operating at the cutting-edge is critical not only for our country ' s future in space but also for America ' s technological leadership position in the world.

通过美国在科技方面的领先地位,作者有效表达了一种美国至上主义( America exceptionalism  ),从而唤起了读者的爱国主义感情。(此处针对美国考生)

在 6 月北美的真题 Four Reasons Public Schools Should Think Twice Before Instituting School Uniform Policies 中,作者在第三段提到:

(our public schools inculcate) the most   important  American  values  for  the future citizens and  leaders of our country. And perhaps no value is more crucial, and more uniquely American, than diversity of thought and expression, as reflected in that empowering first guarae the American people saw fit to include in our Bill of Rights: the protection of the fundamental freedoms of speech, religious thought, press, or assembly.

和 1 月份的真题类似,同学们可以发现,此处作者提及学校在灌输美国主流价值观方面的重要作用,以及人们对于自由表达这一权利的极度重视。在北美考试的文章中,College Board 比较偏爱从爱国主义的角度来激发读者的感情,而同学们也要对此有所准备,了解美国主流的价值观比如 democracy, freedom, equality ,diversity, American dream 等具体的体现,熟练掌握对于 pathos 的分析方式。


在 1 月亚太的真题文章 A New Wave of National Parks 中,作者在段就用 strong language 歌颂了海洋对于人类的重要意义。

The world ' s waters have connected us. Explorers, traders, scientists and fishermen  have traveled our oceans and rivers in search of new resources and a greater understanding of the world… we must intensify our efforts to better understand, manage and conserve our waters and marine habitats if they are to remain a vibrant source of life for future generations.


‘too little of that progress addresses 70% of the world ' s surface—our oceans. Less than one-half of 1% of the world ' s oceans are protected in ways that will ensure they stay wild.’

这样惊人的数据对比让读者意识到人类对于保护海洋所付出的努力仍然微乎其微。在某些海域,‘up to 90% of large fish are gone from natural ecosystems’. 她还引用了自身的经历she‘was shocked to find debris killing birds that could not distinguish between plastic refuse and squid.’来向人们证明人类的行为对海洋生态造成了毁灭性的影响。


‘support vast numbers of fish,breathtakingly beautiful coral habitat , and a remarkable abundance of sharks—often seen as markers of an ecosystem ' s health.’



It is up to us to conserve the most important wild areas that remain. Doing so will preserve something that is all too easy to destroy but impossible to replace: natural, undisturbed incubators of life.


无独有偶,另一篇文章,5月亚太的真题 How To Increase the Number of Women Winning Nobel Prizes 中,考生们也可以见到类似的逻辑分析思路。

作者开篇就通过生活中的一件琐事引出Carol Greider,一名女性生物学家,成为诺贝尔奖获得者的重大消息,展现出即使是一位取得伟大成就的女性科学家也依然面临来自家庭的压力这一现实。

The mother of tweens was folding laundry at 5 a.m. before going to an early spinning class when the phone rang. It was October 2009 and Carol Greider, a biologist at Johns Hopkins University, picked up and heard a voice from Stockholm. She had won that year's Nobel Prize in medicine.

接下来,作者点明主题,人们没有为改善女性科学家的处境而做出足够的努力。‘That needs to change.’接下来作者在三个段落中用强有力的数据和例子,回顾了在之前的一个世纪,女性在学术研究方面所面临的重重压力‘dark days of the preceding decades’, ‘scarcely to be found at undergraduate lab benches’, 表达了女性被排斥在科学研究之外的事实,而‘two physics laureates have been women’since 1901,‘four of the 165 winners have been women’ in chemistry, 这些数据的列举深刻的展现了女性在诺贝尔奖这个领域中的影响力是多么的微弱。在第五段中,作者描述了三位获奖的女科学家面对的来自家庭和文化方面的阻碍。‘Rita Levi-Montalcini secretly conducted experiments in her bedroom in Mussolini ' s Italy’, Francoise Barre-Sinoussi 的 父 亲‘thought a women's place was in the home’这些有说服力的论据都直白地向读者展示了这些坚定的女科学家们是如何克服重重阻碍,才最终实现了她们在科研领域的成就。

接下来第七段作者通过分析 informative facts 和data 说明大学机构中的制度问题使女科学家们在平衡科学研究和家庭的压力之间面临着更加严峻的挑战。并以此为依据从两个角度提出了解决办法:应该如何确保女性科学家的权利。作者认为大学方面,应该允许有孩子的女性在一段时间内停止终身教职的时间表,应该确保年轻的女科学家们有专门的、的导师,并且他们能够保证带薪产假和带薪育婴假。从政府机构的角度,作者介绍了 NIH 已经采取的政策,同时提出了更多的建议 to collect ‘longitudinal data’ ‘on those family-friendly policies’。

在文章的结尾段,作者再次提及了 Carol Greider的例子:

‘we should strive to build a world in which the likes of Carol Greider are hardly ever to be found folding the laundry at 5 in the morning’。

这里呼应了文章的开头段,从一位的女性诺贝尔奖获得者却不得不早起处理家务这个细节进行了强有力的 emotional chord。

在这篇文章中,作者有效的利用了首尾呼应,讲述了一位女性科学家的故事。正文部分,不但用充实的论据分析女性面临的不利地位,而且有理有据的给出了解决办法。因此,逻辑主线是这篇文章的最重要的特征,而考生们可以通过文中的逻辑‘三部曲’来有效的定位切入点,构建 body 部分。

