2017年 9 月 24 日 托福独立写作题目
High school graduates usually have two months’ break before they go to college or university. The high school now requires all the graduates to do one of the following to take full advantage of this break.
1. Students need to attend classes to complete university-level courses that have direct connection to their majors of study.
2. Students need to join a team led by their teacher to visit museums or historical sites and write a paper about it.
Which one do you think is more beneficial for students? Why?
Given detailed examples and reasons. Use your OWN words, do NOT use memorized examples.
细心的同学会注意到这道题目不仅题目长(去年开始的怪口味),而且最后还特别提示 “Use your OWN words, do NOT use memorized examples” ,要求学生不要用死记硬背的例子,用自己的话写出来。这个提示其实并不新鲜,早在去年7月就已经出现。这条是特别针对那些考前背一下范文,考试时大段大段直接写在作文里的同学。因为这些句子不仅可能跟题目关联不大,而且也反映不出考生真实水平,所以官方现在对死记硬背是零容忍的态度。
As a student of university that has a long break between university semesters, the university requires all students to do one of the following for one month during the break:
1. Students must take a course on the subject that has no direct connection to their majors of study ( For example, a student majoring in engineering may take course in fine arts or social science.)
2. Students must volunteer to work in the university’s city or their hometowns to improve some aspects of life of the city or their own town.( For example, students may help local primary school children with their homework.)
Which one do you think is more beneficial for students in their university? Why?