2017 年 4 月 23 日
Some young people are free in the evenings or have days off at school, which way can bring them the most benefit?
1、to accumulate work experience by a part-time job or volunteering in a community
2、learning to play a sport
3、learning to play a musical instrument
这道题是根据哪道题变异而来呢?2015 年 11 月 18 日的老题
2015/11/8 A school has been providing funding for students who participate in after school?activities. Now the school has only enough money to fund only one type of the?activities. Which of the following do you recommend the school continue to?fund: sports, art, volunteering.
通读完题目会发现,狡猾的 ETS 只是把主要讨论人群从 students 换成了 young people,而 after school activities 顺势换成了 free time in evenings 之类。另外三个选择也变得更具体了些,这其实也是目前“新题”的一个趋势 –?官方想通过更多的限定引导考生专注于所给话题去展开讨论,而不是套用一些假大空的理由。
当然,sports, music, part-time job, volunteering work 这几个关键词也是托福独立写作的常客,相信每位同学都能针对其中某一项说出不少支持的理由。比如运动有益身心健康,音乐陶冶情操,工作积累经验有助于毕业找工作或者目前职业的一个晋升等。不过要记得,无论选哪一个,千万不要忘了题目中所说的 bring the most benefit,带来的好处,所以另外两个一定要来踩一踩。
我在下面的文章中选择的是学习一项体育项目,虽然吃饭睡觉打豆豆是很多人的常态,人生也确实要及时行乐,但是要正确行乐。工作学习睡觉之余,剩下的这 8 小时到底该如何去利用,有的人会说利用得好不好,直接决定一个人成功与否。各位看官认不认同,心中自然有数,我在下文也给出了我的见解。
思路,而且主动的还会挑出翔哥作文中比较不错的表达,用在自己作文中。相信也有其他人想这么做但一直没做的,下文我也有意借鉴了 3 月 11 日我写的那篇文章的部分内容,简单演示下该如何去学习并运用精彩表达。那场写到运动能令人放松,当时我的原文如下:
When one feels tired or stressed, it does not follow that working out would make things worse, because physical activities, even just for a few minutes, help to relax the muscles and relieve the tension in the face, neck, shoulders and other body parts. Alvin Oldman, a lead researcher of NC Health Center, emphasized that people who exercise regularly feel more energetic throughout the day, sleep better at night, and feel more relaxed and positive about themselves and their lives.
眼尖的同学可以尝试在下面的文章中去找找,我在哪里借鉴了这几句话。既然 ETS 爸爸玩变异题,那我们也来玩玩变异文。
It seems that everyone in the world aspires to achieve something so as to live life to the full, especially the young who have a glorious future before themselves. Although a vast majority of people agree with this notion, opinions on how to achieve one’s ambitious dreams or realistic goals are diverse. As a broadly-disseminated idea goes that the other 8 hours of free time determine one’s success, an increasing number of young people are pondering a problem of how to maximize their “free” time – the 8 hours in the day when they are not studying, working or sleeping. As far as I am concerned, from the three above-mentioned ways to?utilize the free time, I would unhesitatingly choose the second one – learning to play a sport.
Despite the fact that the 8 hours after work or study can be a valuable resource one has to achieve one’s ideal life, let’s be honest first, the time when one is working or studying is the most valuable. It is imperative for either students or workers to make the full use of this “unfree” time for any academic pursuit or career advancement, in which case an investment of large amounts of energy and attention is required. Then, physical and mental fatigue would unavoidably ensue. Therefore, the way I see it, when these young people are free in the evenings or
have days off at school, relieving their tiredness should be given top priority. Learning to play a sport and engaging in related sports activities, even just for a few minutes, will help to relax their muscles and relieve the tension in the face, neck, shoulders and other body parts. Alvin Oldman, a lead researcher of New Channel Health Center, emphasized that people who exercise regularly feel more energetic throughout the day, sleep better at night, and feel more relaxed and positive about themselves and their lives.
It is tempting to argue that play sports will help to?relax, so will learning to play a musical instrument and engaging in related musical activities. Nevertheless, further analysis would reveal that playing a musical instrument is not so easy as expected. A simple piece of music may require seven consecutive days of practice, for which seldom would persist. Meanwhile, just hearing a couple of musical notes by touching the strings of guitar or hitting the keys of piano is neither likely to relieve one mentally since no melodious music is produced nor likely to relieve one physically in the same way sports does.
As for the first choice, let’s be honest once again, little working experience
could be accumulated through a part-time job or volunteering in the a community simply due to the fact that little amount of time is devoted to this kind of work. This so called first hand experience lasts for such a short time that participants barely knows what the rules and regulations of a certain company are or how the business operations are conducted. Moreover, do not interpret part-time job or volunteering work literally, more often than not they can be rather demanding, and of course, time-consuming, for which seldom would persist.
In conclusion, learning to play a sport is young people’s best choice in their free time.?
Which way do you think is the best for a student to make new friends?
A. joining a sports team;
B.participating in community activities;
A/DA: Spending a lot of time watching sports on TV and following their favorite team?will have negative impact on one’s life.
A/DA: Playing sports teaches people lessons about life.
A/DA: It's more important for the government to spend money to build art museums?and music performance centers than to build recreational facilities (such as?swimming pool and playgrounds).
In times of an economic crisis, in which area should governments reduce its?spending?
2.Scientific research
3.Parks and public gardens.
A/DA: Primary schools should?spend more time on teaching young students (5-11years old) technology (like?computer) than teaching music and art