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2014年05月13日 02:48
供稿单位:互联网   责编:新航道小编  浏览 0
Topic:The car has had greater effect on society than the airplane has.


    Topic:The car has had greater effect on society than the airplane has.
    Opinions vary as to whether car or airplane has exerted a greater impact on our society. Some people believe that the car exerts greater effect, for without a car many of us cannot go to school and office. Others believe that it is airplane that makes long distance travel available, thus impacting the whole world in unthinkable ways. Although there is some element of truth in both arguments, I believe that the automobile is more useful and necessary than the airplane.
    Admittedly, the advent of airplane realized the flying dream of human beings, which indeed serves as an inspiration and motivation. In other words, thinking that men can fly in the sky gives people courage and confidence when doing other demanding and difficult things. Besides, Airplane has significantly facilitated international travel and global business, thus accelerating the process of globalization.However, after further consideration, I still believe that the automobile has had more effect on the society because of the following reasons.
    First, generally speaking, cars are affordable. We can buy a car for thousands of dollars, but we have to pay millions to get a plane and even an airplane ticket can cost thousands of dollars. Last summer I went to New York with my families and we spent40000RMB on tickets alone. Even people from developed countries find it difficult to afford airplane tickets, not to mention those poor people from developing countries. So a large number of people actually do not have the flying experience. But the automobile is inexpensive and it is not easy to find a person who has never ride on a bus.
    The second point to note is that The use of cars can be more intimately connected with our daily life. Trucks transport vegetables and meat to places where there are not enough food to meet the demand of the local people.What’s more fire engines are indispensable for a city too. School buses and commuter buses are also necessary in order for a modern society to run smoothly. The list goes on and on. In short we can afford to live without airplane, but we cannot imagine what a world would be like where there is devoid of cars. Without planes we can search on the Internet for information, use skype to meet our friends and families, take ship to travel to another country. But without a car, many people can only stay near our offices and schools, eat local and monotonous food. Life would be dull and difficult.
    Considering the above analysis, we can draw the conclusion that although the plane has its own merits and influences, these merits and influences are less than those of cars. Cars are inexpensive and can better meet our everyday demands. A world without planes is a world without luxuries, but a world without cars is a world deprived of necessities.











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