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He paid the bills of six shoppers who were in the store at the time, as well as paying off half of every bill over$200.他为当时在商场的6个购物者买了单,也支付了每笔超过200美元的账单的一半款项。
Staff at the store recalled how the holiday hero swiped his card for customers who approached the till to cancel their orders, simply saying'Merry Christmas' afterwards.商场的工作人员回忆这位“节日英雄”为那些在收银台准备取消账单的购物者们刷卡买单的情形,每次刷完卡他就会说一句“圣诞快乐”。
'They didn't know what was happening at first,' said Wal-Mart operations manager Deb Davis.“一开始他们还不知道发生了什么事”,沃尔玛的运营经理德布·戴维斯说道。
'This one girl in particular, she goes,"What do I owe?" My associate goes,'That gentlemen right there just paid for you."'“有个女孩子问道,‘我还欠多少?’”,我的同事说,“那位先生已经为你买好单了。”
Overwhelmed, the woman, began to cry and had to sit down on a bench.这个女生感动得泣不成声,不得不坐在长凳上缓缓情绪。
His spending was so unexpected, Mr Parady's banks began to decline transactions in the fear his credit cards had been stolen.由于帕拉第先生的开销如此反常,他的银行担心他的信用卡被盗,开始拒绝处理这张卡的交易行为。
The man used three different cards, took up two cashiers, and also made payments over the phone during the hours-long spree which employees described as the most generous they had ever seen.在这个长达好几个小时的狂欢购物中,帕拉第先生付款时用了3张信用卡,2台收银机,同时也通过电话进行支付,工作人员表示这是他们见到过的最慷慨的行为了。
'I didn't intend for the attention but I hope it motivates other people,' he said.“我并不想哗众取宠,我只是想通过这种方式来鼓励大家多做善事”,他如是说。
'I hope everyone will use it as a tool to give in their own way. It doesn't have to be money, it can be time, or just something kind.'“我希望大家把它当做一个例子来举一反三。做好事不一定用钱,也可以是时间,或者一些好的东西。”
The so-called'layaway Santas' have been popping up across the US since2011.从2011年起,所谓的“帮你买单的圣诞老人”已经在美国各地不断出现。
Walmart alone has noted1,000 cases where a stranger has paid off another's bill this year, while KMart said over$1.5million had been spent by well-wishers in years past.沃尔玛称今年已有1000件陌生人为购物者们买单的事情发生,同时凯马特称过去几年中“祝福者”支付的账款超过了150万美元。