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亲们,是不是觉得自己已经能够说一口流利的英语了呢?是不是觉得“英国佬”们说的话还是听不太懂呢?如果各位准英国留学生不想出国后遭众“英国佬”的白眼袭击,那就赶紧拿出一些空闲时间学习一下英国人最喜欢的日常生活用语表达吧!以下这些可是书本上见不到的地道British expressions,很有意思哟!
1. You lot must think I’m stupid!(“you lot” means“all of you”)
2. I’m skint.(“skint” means“short of money”)
3. I met some blokesin the pub.(“bloke” is a kind of British way of saying“guy”)
4. Fancy a cuppa?(“ fancy” means“do you want”,“cuppa” is short for“a cup of tea”)
5. Skiing is a doddle!(“a doddle” means“a piece of cake”)
6. Lend me a quid.(“quid” means“one pound”)
7. He’s an acefootballer.(“ace” means“excellent”)
8. I need the loo.(“loo” is a kind of British way of saying“toilet”)
9. She’s full of beans.(“beans” means“energy”)
10. I need to spend a penny.(“spend a penny” means“go to the toilet”)
11. He is a dodgyperson./ That fish is a bit dodgy.(“ dodgy” means“suspicious”)
12. What’s on the telly?(“telly” means“television”)
13. You look trendy.(“trendy” means“fashionable”)
14. I would like totop up my phone./ My phone needs top-up.(“top up” is a phrasal verb, it means“ prepay bills”, while top-up is a noun.)
15. Keep your hair on!( Calm down!)
16. I would like to have my fringe cut.(“fringe” is a kind of British way of saying“bangs”)
17. This film is rubbish.( rubbish is a kind of British way of saying garbage, but here it acts as an adjective and means bad or terrible etc…)
18. Cheers/ Ta!( pronounced“Tar”)= Thank you