
成都编辑 2023-01-03 14:43







Unit P1:Pure maths 纯数:

1. Algebra 代数

2. Coordinate geometry 坐标几何

3. Differentiation 微分

4. Integration 积分

5. Sequences and series 序列和级数

Unit P2:Pure maths 纯数

1. Algebra and functions 代数与函数

2. Sequences and series 序列和级数

3. Coordinate geometry in the (x, y) plane (x,y)平面上的坐标几何

4. Trigonometry 三角学

5. Exponentials and logarithms 指数和对数

6. Differentiation 微分 7. Integration 积分

8. Differential equations 微分方程

9. Numerical methods 数值方法 10. Vectors 向量

Unit PSM1 :Pure maths, Statistics and Mechanics 纯数、统计和力学

PP1 1. Circle 圆

PP1 2. Trigonometry 三角函数

PP1 3. Exponential and logarithms 指数和对数

S1 1. Further probability 概率

S1 2. Discrete random variables 离散随机变量

S1 3. Bernoulli and binomial distributions 伯努利分布和二项式分布

M1 1. Motion in a straight line with constant acceleration 均速直线运动

M1 2. Motion in a straight line with variable acceleration加速可变的直线运动

M1 3. Forces and Newton’s Laws 力和牛顿定律

M1 4. Momentum and impulse (Restricted tomotion in a straight line) 动量和冲量(仅限于直线运动)

Unit S2:Statistics 统计

1. Poisson distribution 泊松分布

2. Continuous random variables 连续随机变量

3. Exponential distribution 指数分布

4. Normal distribution 正态分布

5. Estimation 估算

6. Hypothesis testing 假设检验

Unit M2:Mechanics 力学

1. Mathematical modelling 数学建模

2. Kinematics 运动学

3. Statics and forces 静力学和力

4. Newton’s Law of Motion 牛顿运动定律

5. Projectiles 抛射体

6. Work and energy 功和能

7. Uniform circular motion 匀速圆周运动




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