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雅思口语考试Part 2模版
2012年07月18日 12:00
供稿单位:互联网  责编:本站编辑 浏览: 0 次
大家都知道,对于考试来说临时抱佛脚是没有用,但是今天雅思口语考试Part 2模版就要打破这个定律,让...




  大家都知道,对于考试来说临时抱佛脚是没有用,但是今天雅思口语考试Part 2模版就要打破这个定律,让你临时也能抱抱佛脚。不过烤鸭们要慎用!仅供参考。想拿27+的同学不要使用!23-25之间的同学可以参考 ! 根据自己的情况再进行改编。

  1. It will help me develop thesense of cooperation and group spirit which I think is crucial today.

  2. I will learn more knowledge. By(living on campus, I could go to library more easily,

  attending classes regularly, attending smallglasses, studying in groups……. I learn more facts about my favorite writerTOLKIN’s philosophy towards life and academics.

  3. I will meet many new friends. BecauseI live on campus, I could meet more people which are similar to me. Because Iattend classes regularly, I have more opportunities to meet more persons withwhom I could share feelings like sorrow and happiness. Because I attend smallglasses, I could have deep conversation with my classmates thus we could befriends in a shorter time. Because I study in groups, I have more opportunitiesto meet more persons with whom I could share feelings like sorrow andhappiness.











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