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2012年03月22日 09:07
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  成都新航道雅思主讲饶晓勇,英文名 clement, 人称“晓勇哥哥”,毕业于西南财经大学,扎实的英文基础和迄今五年的教学经验沉淀了一套独特的授课风格。授课内容翔实生动,信息充足,重点突出,在快乐的气氛中让你不知不觉体验英语写作的新魅力。通过青春,时尚的教学,让学员吸收英文之精华,修炼写作之灵气,彰显不断攀升的英语功力!

  Competitiveness is a positive quality for people in most societies. How doe competitiveness affect individuals? Is it a positive or negative quality?

  Competitiveness is human nature. Individuals compete either with themselves to do something better than the last time they try or with others to promote their own personal interest. It is difficult to think of any form of social behavior, whether simple or complex, that is not competitive at its most basic level.

  On the positive side, competitiveness imposes on people certain pressure that spurs personal improvement. When a resource is in short supply (like a decent job or a promotion), individuals have to compete with each other for its availability. This desire motivates people to study or work harder, driving them to fulfill potential and develop extra skills. It seems to be that, the more intense competition is, the more thoroughly one’s potential can be explored and the more self-improvement can be achieved. On the other hand, one may also be negatively influenced by the presence of competitive spirit. The pressure stemming from excessive competition as well as the fear of falling behind may push people so hard that they may end up struggling with either psychological disorder or physical illness.

  In the macro scale, competitiveness serves to promote efficiency of businesses and optimize resources in the society. Enterprises faced with vigorous competition are continually pressed to become more internally efficient. The desire to maximize profits and monopoly the market impels them to abandon outdated operations and improve the technical efficiency of production. In addition, competition throughout the economy will lead to the closure of inefficient firms, causing money to flow away from weak competitors towards more competitive ones and freeing up resources for more productive use

  My view is that competitiveness is beneficial to both individual survival and social prosperity.

  For the sake of long-term benefits, the society should try to put competition into good control and encourage people as well as businesses to compete in a way that motivates them positively. (313 Words)






  抽象类考题一直以来是一些考生眼中的幽灵题, 因为此类题目似乎很难与现实生活联系到一起。但恰恰相反, 越是抽象的概念, 越容易回归生活。拿本题为例, 竞争意识这个概念可以和教育, 经济, 科技和人们的日常生活联系到一起, 很容易找到观点。

  简单分析一下范文结构: 开头段是背景铺垫, 引入竞争意识的概念, 与后面的段落做衔接; 主体段分别描述了竞争对个体的正负面影响, 回应个提问;主体第二段阐述了竞争意识在促进企业效率和优化社会资源方面的好处; 结尾段句表明作者观点, 紧接着提出一个合理的建议, 强调居安思危, 长远发展。











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