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2013年08月22日 12:00
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    雅思考试中的雅思口语part1通常是以聊天方式进行,从聊天中了解考生的发音,词汇量和语法。然后再根据情况深入提问。Part one 的每个问题的回答时间平均是 20 seconds. 短的 10 seconds , 长的大约 30 seconds。 但是大部分的回答时间在15到25秒之间。为了使烤鸭们更好地掌握答题技巧,小编为大家准备了雅思口语范文part1中取得了8.5分的范文,其中很多内容都值得烤鸭们借鉴。请烤鸭们结婚雅思口语part1的应试技巧和范文,取长补短,让自己的雅思口语再上一层楼。






    2、不要答非所问。如问题问你"A" 或"B", 首先你要直接做出选择然后再添加观点和感受等相关的内容。


    3、一个给出拓展内容的技巧就是使用从句, 也就是说用联系代词"which" 或者that 等把连个句子串成一个复杂句. 这样做可以一举两得,让语法和整个口语考试都超过六分。

       例如:"I study chemistry, which has a lot of interesting experiments"


    4、由于时间有限,介绍话题会很简单, "Let's talk about music now." 当考官介绍话题的时候要迅速反应,这样你可以预测问题并提前准备词汇。


    5、不要反问考官问题,除非你没有听清楚问题,让考官重复. 如果考官放你重复你的回答,那要么是发音不准 要么是用词不准。那么你一定要在重新回答时调整好。








    Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?

    I have to admit that I learned to play a variety of instruments such as the violin and the piano, but I quitted the private courses when I found out that I was not really interested in them. At the age of eleven, I started to play the clarinet. It is still my favorite musical instrument now, and I enjoy performing with my clarinet at diverse occasions.


    How do older people feel about younger people's clothing?

    As far as I know, it is not easy for elder people to accept the fashion styles such as Punk or Hip Hop. They might think that the clothes that younger people wear are too expressive. I hope that the elder people would show a bit more tolerance and don't totally reject urban fashion styles, because they also wore clothes that were considered as provocative when they were young.


    Which fruits do you like most?Is it easy to get fresh fruits and vegetables in the place where you live?

    In my opinion, there is nothing more pleasant than eating watermelons on a warm day,  and that's the reason why watermelon is my favorite fruit. Fortunately, there are two huge markets near my apartment where I can get fresh fruits and vegetables directly from local farmers.


    Do you often go to the cinema?

    Yes, I do like go to the cinema. Watching movies at the cinema creates a wonderful feeling. It is hard to feel the same at home because the visual and acoustic effects are just too different






















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