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2013年06月14日 12:00
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    615川大 RM09 white male(skinhead) Adam**P1:name;student or work;where are you studying now;housework,what kind of housework do you do when you are at home;when did you start to help your parents do chores,do you think it's necessary for a kid to help parents do housework at home   P2:#game#(not sports)describe a game u used to playing during your childhood,what games do the children play in your country,how do u think the matter on children playing electronic games,why bad and does it has any advantages
    四川大学 RM11 pa:traditional buildings&food,famous food in CHINA &CHENGDU pa:specia meal when&who invited u&where&why pa:transport food and local food.choose one. Reason. (全程都是富德富德富德 一考完就饿了)
    川大RM2 part1:flat or house,cooking,谁做饭 自己会的道菜 有没有必要去上cook class Part2:something happened make you happy..Part3:各种有钱人的快乐 穷人没有钱是否快乐 金钱和relationship哪个使人更快乐?你想要哪一个(我说我都想要)说的不错 这次分手了
    川大 PA1:专业,毕业后干啥,爱好等,交通各类问题,喜欢什么交通方式,为什么,公共交通如何 PA2: TOY PA3:各种童年小孩问题,小孩娱乐,小孩教育,小孩娱乐注意的问题,过去的小孩玩的游戏和当今做对比,以及男女生玩具做对比。
    四川大学 Room04 S1House or plat S2 the games in childhood?S3 年轻人的游戏和老一代人的游戏有什么不同?中国人会自己发明的小游戏么?从游戏中学到什么
    川大,room03 p1愿不愿意做很多的工作,有压力否,认为未来会更忙碌吗p2 some people told u story in ur chirdhood。part3 story的类型,people in story ,故事中的教训。
    电子科大R2P1,work or studyP2,recent event made you happy重头戏是P3阿!how do you think about money,why is money not the most important thing,why some rich people do not feel happy,what kind of work can make people happy,各种有水平外加追问的节奏
    北教,rm12,16点,14号。一个中年胖男士,男人,语速很合适,我听不懂的时候,他会重复给我。part1来自哪,公园,专业选择。 part2儿时玩的游戏part3根据游戏提的问题。睡觉的问题。
    6月15日 西交利物浦 395 作文1是柱状图,average annual pay of doctors and other workers in different seven countries 作文2是教育问题,有些人认为家庭对孩子的影响,有些人认为是电视、书籍等等,谈谈自己的看法
    北京语言大学 305 考官男 part1 house music sleep time part2 cafe have been
    青岛room5,part1:phone,painting and drawing,part2:a seaside you would like to visit
    郑轻,rm10,印度中年,p1,name,make friends,p2 intereting people p3 dress
    澳洲悉尼这边的Task Two,今天有:1. describe a picnic. 2. describe an occasion when someone visited you. 3. describe a music hall. 4. describe an electronic equipment that you bought
    云南财经RM4,胖胖的老爷爷。P1:flat or house、letters、tree P2:place P3:work or study environment、unpaid job等等。
    西安交通大学 room7年轻和蔼英国姐姐,说话声音很甜part1:name,room. part2. tv programe ,what kind do you like.part3.science lesson.why and how,should child learn science,how,sinceresearch you know.
    湖大rm07!part1 树,cook,住哪,搬不搬家 part2 公共旅行 part3 私家车,平常坐不坐公共交通,政府该怎么鼓励等等。考官有点口音,但人超级nice,不停要我深呼吸,我没听懂他居然做动作来解释。
    温州 room505 白人萌物P1flat,cell phone各种问题, interesting tv program各种问题, 起码问了10个;P2 place to enjoy music; P3 benefit of music to children, instruments, reasons that need to pay for music on internet起码问了8个问题
    长沙RM04 part1 house or flat;最喜欢的房间,想不想搬;advertisement. Part2 a way to stay healthy part3 keep fit各种问题 :年轻人和老年人、男人和女人、鼓励孩子健身。 白人大叔,不苟言笑,喜欢打断人,
    黑大,RM03,扎小辫子的白 人,30岁左右,人很好,P1 house or apartment;TV programme;P2 a trip by public transportation,P3 问一些公关交通的问题,私家车越来越多的原因,家乡自行车多吗之类的
    西交大,RM15 白人高瘦男,人很nice,总是笑。P1 apartment or house,patience e-mails letters P2 interesting person P3 making friends 各种展开











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