2023年1-6月雅思写作Task 1 小作文
2023年1-6月雅思写作Task 2 大作文
再看看2023年上半年的雅思考试大作文部分,从题型上来说,依然是观点类(同意与否/ 双边双边/ 积极还是消极)为主流,占到23次考试中的18次,报告类和综合类出现了5次,这也和往年的频率基本保持一致。从话题方面看,前两季度话题考察比较均衡,各个类型均有一些涉猎,其中社会类,教育类的话题考察频次较高,达到了13次,大约占57%,同时我们会发现一个特点,雅思写作在2023年上半年出题的时候,有一定的倾向连续几次考察同一个话题类型的情况,这也是需要考生们在备考时需要留意的,一定多多关注近期考题。
Despite better access to education, many adults today still cannot read or write. In what ways are they disadvantaged? What can governments do to help them?
Paragraph 1- Introduction - 话题引入+文章目的简述
It is a worrying fact that regardless of the increased availability of educational resources in recent years, 依旧还有很多的grown-ups who are hardly literate + 本篇文章将会分析上述人群可能面临的劣势以及政府能够针对这样的现象作出的努力。
Paragraph 2 – Body 1 - Answer to question 1- In what ways are they disadvantaged?
Influence 1: 在工作方面,the aforementioned group may have tremendous hurdles to overcome.
(Cause and Effect) 在现代社会,毫无疑问的是各类生产活动相比以前来说复杂得多,因为the widespread utilization of machinery has replaced the role of humans in a majority of repetitive jobs. Consequently, 各种职位对于员工的知识和技能的要求越来越高,which means that job-hunters who lack the basic reading and writings skills are highly likely to be overlooked in resume screening process,那么他们就难以维持生活。
Influence 2: 在面对一些crimes的时候,此类人群更可能成为受害者。
(Cause and Effect + Example) 因为文化水平低的人对regulations and laws没有什么了解,they may fall prey to illegal acts such as fraud, which undoubtedly causes financial losses and their ignorance may prevent them from being compensated. Worse still, 他们可能被骗成为犯罪集团的一员而不自知,在损害了他人利益的同时也葬送了自己的未来的发展。
Paragraph 3 – Body 2 – Answer to question 2 - What can governments do to help them?
Solution 1: 政府能够宣传读写能力的重要性by organizing community meetings, making educational resources more affordable, and offer inspirational reward. 这样一来能够吸引更多的人参与到学习当中。
Solution 2: 政府能够多组织一些professional training schemes以及subsidies去帮助这部分文盲群体掌握一些expertise for manual work, 帮助他们就业和维持日常生活
Solution 3: 政府多关注illiterate group的法制知识宣传,这能够帮助他们be aware of the pitfalls and detrimental consequences for criminal acts
Paragraph 4 - Conclusion
Some people think that people should keep all their money and should not have to pay tax to the state. Do you agree or disagree?
本次大作文考察的是同意与否社会生活类话题。这道题显然采取people should pay tax to the state的立场会有比较多的容易展开的supporting evidence,而should not pay tax的论证非常局限,所以这道题也可以就采取单边倒的形式。
Paragraph 1 – Introduction – 话题引入 + 个人观点陈述
It is true that the proper functioning of a nation requires tremendous financial investments + Some people argue that individuals should cease being taxpayers + Personally, I am not on board with this statement
Paragraph 2 – Body 1 – 立论
Argument 1: Tax revenue被用来推进城市和农村的基础设施建设
Supporting Evidence: (Example) 通常来讲,税收被用于各种各样的项目如交通运输系统(transit system)、电网(power grid)、公立学校和医院 + (Contrast and Comparison) If there were not sufficient taxes from the public, the government might need to suspend or cancel programs that are conducive to residents’ lives. 这会导致一系列的问题的出现,如人们的mobility可能会受到很大的限制,部分群体的basic rights of receiving education will be undermined
Paragraph 3 – Body 2 – 立论
Argument 2: 国家的税收还会被用来maintain the social stability of a nation
Supporting Evidence: (Example 1) 政府需要资金去prevent destabilizing factors such as terrorism and rising crime rates + (Contrast and Comparison) 如果没有足够的资金支持,那么人们的生命财产安全都会受到威胁,更不用说gaining a sense of happiness + (Example 2) The government needs taxes to take precautions against unexpected events such as economic recession + (Contrast and Comparison) 如果没有足够的资金去做好防范措施,那么当有问题发生的时候,直接遭受到冲击的依旧是公民自己
Paragraph 4 – Conclusion
Therefore, I reiterate my earlier statement that we should perform our duties as tax payers and those earning a higher salary should pay proportionately more taxes