1. 填空题的关键词划分完全可以适用于选择题。比如先划限定词,其次是主谓宾。那么关于时间限定中的时间短语的限定,这里小编要具体指点一二。
同样地,学生看到题干中的时间标示,一定要留个心眼。但是有些表时间的短语,比如:at present, at the moment, currently, used to, be planning, next year等等,这些必须高度注意,因为这类题目在雅思听力中屡见不鲜,经考不衰。我们来看一下例子。Cambridge 8 Test 2 Section 2的19题:
What can you see in the park at the present time?
A the arrival of wild birds
B fruit tree blossom
C a demonstration of fishing
值得一提的是,听力原文中三个选项都被提到了,如果不认真辨别,童鞋们该蒙哪个好呢?如果学生熟记at present time的替换词就是currently, 那么这道题也就迎刃而解了。只有答案C中提到了替换词。
Which facility is planned for next year?
A swimming pool
B rock climbing wall
C massage room
在这道考时间的题目中,A项用的是过去式,说明已经开了,B项用到be hoping, C项的替换词是within 12 months.
所以在听力考时间的题目中,学生一定要学会辨别used to, currently, be planning三种时态。
2. 去同存异。此处说的是选项中的关键词定位。也就是选项中通过比较,只划出不一样的部分即可。比如Cambridge 5 Test 3 Section 3的17题:
What does the speaker say about university accommodation on campus?
A most places are given to undergraduates.
B no places are available for postgraduates with families.
C a limited number of places are available for new postgraduates.
乍一看,此题又臭又长,我们一定要有一眼扫过去就能抓到关键词的能力。题干中的主语其实就是accommodation on campus. 三个选项中都有相同的单词——places, 那么我们只需划出不一样的, A most, undergraduates B no, postgraduates with families C limited number, new postgraduates. 经过这样修整,选择题目一下就简单明了了,我们需要做的就是守株待兔了。