
首页>雅思>雅思口语>雅思口语|化解Part 1新难题——Keys/T-shirts/Jewelry/Outer space and stars

雅思口语|化解Part 1新难题——Keys/T-shirts/Jewelry/Outer space and stars

来源:新航道 浏览:0 发布日期:2023-03-22 13:41


雅思口语Part 1不仅是考生们开启雅思口试的道关卡,更是使考生们熟悉英语对话环境,坚定信心的步。

如何应对不同的Part 1话题?如何以清晰的思路化解Part 1的新、奇、难话题?如何填充相关语料让考官觉得你“有点东西”?

小编将以2023年1月-4月雅思口语考试Part 1中部分新、难话题为例,手把手教你如何搭建思路、避免“掉坑”以及累计相关语料,助你高效拿下Part 1!

本文结构:以Keys/T-shirts/Jewelry/Outer space and stars四个话题为例,分别从“思路+注意事项+补充语料”三个部分对话题进行讲解,还附有参考答案哦!划到底部还有参考答案纯享版哦~

Keys [new] 

1.Do you always bring a lot of keys with you ?


- 肯定:Yes.+所带钥匙具体类型。

- 中间态度:带钥匙,但次数不多+所带具体钥匙类型。

- 否定:No.+原因(客观原因:我用指纹锁等/主观原因:我马大哈等)。




For sure, I take keys with me on a daily basis. I’ve got a key ring with a home key and a locker key on it. To me, they’re kinda like the daily necessities for me. And by the way, they are really portable.

2.Have you ever lost your keys?




- 否,没有经历。





No, I haven’t experienced that kind of thing so far and I guess it would never happen to me as I’m not a scatterbrain, you know, I have the habit of checking my bag down to details before leaving in case I’ve left anything behind.

3.Do you often forget the keys and lock yourself out?



- 是,有经历。+5W1H法复原事实。

- 否,没有经历。紧接着解释,客观不可以/主观不乐意。也可以说说如果发生的话自己可能会怎么做。




No, that rarely happened to me, I’ve been trying to avoid such things all the time. As I think it could be so troublesome, if being locked out, then I’ll have to call the police and let the locksmith (n. 修锁的人) deal with the problem.

4.Do you think it's a good idea to leave your keys with a neighbour?



- Yes(观点)+原因(把钥匙托付给邻居的前提+好处)。

- No(观点)+原因(把钥匙托付给邻居的前提不成立+坏处)。


Yes and no(观点)+(把钥匙托付给邻居的前提+好处; while 把钥匙托付给邻居的前提不成立+坏处。



B.原因逻辑衔接:Because, since, as, for...

C.结果逻辑衔接:So, as a result...

D.对比/转折的逻辑连接:While, compared with...


Um, I don’t think so. As for myself, neighbors are only casual acquaintances, not so reliable as my family or friends, so it’s not very clever or safe to leave my keys with any of them.


fingerprint lock 指纹锁

password lock 密码锁

keychain 钥匙扣/链

swipe the card to enter 刷门禁卡进入

locksmith 锁匠

scatterbrain 马大哈

turn the keys 拧钥匙

have a spare set 有一套备用钥匙

T-shirt [new]

  1. Do you like wearing T-shirts?


- Yes(观点)+ 喜欢T-shirt 的原因(夸T-shirt)。

- Yes(观点)+ 喜欢T-shirt 的程度。

- Yes(观点)+ 喜欢的具体类型+喜欢的程度+喜欢的原因。

* 否定答案内部结构同理。


  1. 喜好类的句型替换;
  2. 答案走向可以通过推理自圆其说,也可以具象化(especially...)。


Certainly, I’m a fan of T-shirts, I like V-neck and striped tees in particular! The reason why I’m into these are that they go well with everything. And personally, I prefer those simple, casual style with some details like the necklace.

2.Do you like T-shirts with pictures or prints?






Yeah, I love the T-shirts with some pictures or prints that are standing out. Some people would think these kind of tees seem to be a little bit tacky俗气、廉价、劣质的, however I don’t think that’s the case, I pretty much like it.

3.Do you think older people who wear T-shirts are fashionable?


  1. 单项

- Yes(观点)+这么说的理由/证据。

- No(观点)+这么说的理由/证据。


- Yes and no(观点)+ 这么说的理由/证据。




Actually, it depends on the outfits and how they look on different people. If a senior citizen wears a baggy T-shirt, this person is gonna look like he or she is in low spirits. If the person wears a tee that goes well with the trousers or the accessories kind of things, then he or she definitely looks fashionable.



be into + v.ing/n.

be a big fan of + v.ing/n.

be keen on + v.ing/n.

be crazy about + v.ing/n.


don’t mind + v.ing/n.

I can take it or leave it


can’t stand + v.ing/n.

XXX is not my type of thing.

Jewelry [new]

1.Do you often wear jewelry?


- Yes(观点)+ 有多经常?戴什么珠宝?为什么?

- No(观点)+ 有多不经常?为什么不戴?




Nor really, I hardly wear jewelry in my daily life. That’s due to the fact that choosing one piece of jewelry to go well with what I wear has already been a headache. But I know some of my friends are really good at selecting suitable jewelry for themselves, so maybe I’m gonna learn something about it in the foreseeable future.

2.What type of jewelry do you like?




  1. 这道题是问你的观点,而观点和事实不一定有关联的。比如你也许因为have a tight budget(预算紧张)当下买不起所以不常戴,但并不影响你对某些珠宝的喜爱。
  2. 好必须有喜欢的类型。


I’d always like to put on a low-key profile so those types that are way too fancy are not my cup of tea. I think I can do well with silver rings, you know, they match with my characteristics better since they are not so chic.

3.Why do you think some people wear a piece of jewelry for a long time?






I guess it could be that this item is like the lucky charm for them. In China, we do have this tradition where people wear some kind of jewelry to attract good fortune. For example, people wear zodiac pendants from childhood. Another thing is, the jewelry may be given by someone who means a lot to them, so it’s of great sentimental value.


ring 戒指

earrings 耳环

necklace 项链

bracelet 手镯/手链

choker 贴颈项链



silver 白银

crystal 水晶

diamond 钻石

gem/precious stone 宝石ruby红宝石


turquoise 绿松石

Outer space and stars [new]

1.Have you ever learned about outer space and stars?



When:primary school, junior and senior high school;

What:planet 行星,satellite (人造)卫星,star 恒星, rotate/spin v.旋转;

How:models, drew graphs, role-playing games...


Yeah, I used to take some intro courses of geography back when I was in senior high, and there were several units about outer space and stars, like the galaxy, the milky way, the Sun, the Earth, and also the beginning of the universe, you know, the famous big bang theory.

2.Do you like science fiction movies? Why?




For sure, I’m really into sci-fi movies to pieces cause never was there a moment they disappointed me. I feel like that I could escape from the mundane in life whenever I watch one, besides, the visual impacts given by this kind of movies are so spectacular!

3.Do you want to know more about outer space?



可以调用未来愿望相关的语法比如:I wish I could.../It would be nice if I could ...


I do, because I’m curious about everything of outer space. There are plenty of enchanting unresolved mysteries, like, whether alien beings exist or not, I wish someday these mysteries could be resolved by us.

4.Do you want to go into outer space in the future?



可以调用未来愿望相关的语法比如:I wish I could.../It would be nice if I could ...


Yeah, I’m definitely looking forward to that. Although it seems to be a faraway dream, it would be so nice if I could have a chance to experience that, a chance allowing me to see the endlessness of our universe!


Planet 行星

satellite 卫星

star 恒星

rotate/spin v. 旋转

Venus 金星

Mars 火星

Mercury 水星


Pluto 冥王星...

Galaxy 星系

the milky way 银河

the solar system太阳系...


Sample Answer: Keys

  1. Do you always bring a lot of keys with you ?

For sure, I take keys with me on a daily basis. I’ve got a key ring with a home key and a locker key on it. To me, they’re kinda like the daily necessities for me. And by the way, they are really portable.

  1. Have you ever lost your keys?

No, I haven’t experienced that kind of thing so far and I guess it would never happen to me as I’m not a scatterbrain, you know, I have the habit of checking my bag down to details before leaving in case I’ve left anything behind.

  1. Do you often forget the keys and lock yourself out?

No, that rarely happened to me, I’ve been trying to avoid such things all the time. As I think it could be so troublesome, if being locked out, then I’ll have to call the police and let the locksmith (n. 修锁的人) deal with the problem.

  1. Do you think it’s a good idea to leave your keys with a neighbour?

Um, I don’t think so. As for myself, neighbors are only casual acquaintances, not so reliable as my family or friends, so it’s not very clever or safe to leave my keys with any of them.

Sample Answer: T-shirtsr

  1. Do you like wearing T-shirts?

Certainly, I’m a fan of T-shirts, I like V-neck and striped tees in particular! The reason why I’m into these are that they go well with everything. And personally, I prefer those simple, casual style with some details like the necklace.

  1. How often do you wear T-shirts?

I actually wear them on a daily basis in summer since they are made out of pure cotton which makes them comfortable to wear during the warm season. And guess what’s better? This kind of material wouldn’t produce any awful smell after workout.

  1. Do you like T-shirts with pictures or prints?

Yeah, I love the T-shirts with some pictures or prints that are standing out. Some people would think these kind of Tees seem to be a little bit tacky, however I don’t think that’s the case, I pretty much like it.

  1. Do you think older people who wear T-shirts are fashionable?

Actually, it depends on the outfits and how they look on different people. If a senior citizen that is overweight wears a baggy T-shirt, this person is gonna look like he or she is in low spirits. If the person wears the Tee that is body conscious, and goes well with the trousers or the accessories kind of things, then he or she definitely looks fashionable.

  1. Would you buy T-shirts as souvenirs on vacation?

Yeah I often buy the Tees during a vacation as souvenirs cause they serve as the reminders of my experiences. Furthermore, some Tees are designed by local artists which makes them more valuable. I don’t think I can miss them! Bringing such souvenirs home is part of my travelling habits. 

Sample Answer: Jewelry

  1. Do you often wear jewelry?

Nor really, I hardly wear jewelry in my daily life. That’s due to the fact that choosing one piece of jewelry to go well with what I wear has already been a headache. But I know some of my friends are really good at selecting suitable jewelry for themselves, so maybe I’m gonna learn something about it in the foreseeable future.

  1. What type of jewelry do you like?

Em, I’d always like to put on a low-key profile so those types that are way too fancy are not my cup of tea. I think I can do well with silver rings, you know, they match with my characteristics and persona better since they are not so chic.

  1. Do you usually buy jewelry?

Not really, as a rule, I don’t buy jewelry, I have very limited knowledge in this realm. But I think I would break this rule sooner or later cause my idol recently wears some pieces of jewelry which make me want to purchase the same items.

  1. Why do you think some people wear a piece of jewelry for a long time?

I guess it could be that this item is like the lucky charm for them. In China, we do have this tradition where people wear some kind of jewelry to attract good fortune. For example, people wear zodiac pendants from childhood. Another thing is, the jewelry may be given by someone who means a lot to them, so it’s of great sentimental value.

Sample Answer: Outer space and stars

  1. Have you ever learnt about outer space and stars?

Yeah, I used to take some intro courses of geography back when I was in senior high, and there were several units about outer space and stars, like the Galaxy, the milky way, the Sun, the Earth, and also the beginning of the universe, you know, the famous big bang theory.

  1. Do you like science fiction movies? Why?

For sure, I’m really into sci-fi movies to pieces cause never was there a moment they disappointed me. I feel like that I could escape from the mundane in life whenever I watch one, besides, the visual impacts given by this kind of movies are so spectacular!

  1. Do you want to know more about outer space?

I do, because I’m curious about everything of outer space. There are plenty of enchanting unresolved mysteries, like, whether alien beings exist or not, I wish someday these mysteries could be resolved by us.

  1. Do you want to go into outer space in the future?

Yeah, I’m definitely looking forward to that. Although it seems to be a faraway dream, it would be so nice if I could have a chance to experience that, a chance allowing me to see the endlessness of our universe!



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